Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Campaign Aimed at Getting Gen X-ers Back to Synagogue

I always say I like social media, and particularly Twitter, not because I can learn what someone had for lunch yesterday, but if you target who you are following, you can connect with like-minded people from around the globe.

So I was excited to see a link to this article on a blog called "Are You There, God? It's Me, Generation X" about a synagogue in San Francisco that is doing "hip and cool" stuff to attract younger Jews back to Synagogue, like Jewish Swim lessons, and "Outdoor Jewish Adventure," that they claim is not an oxymoron! The program is called "Nita: Get Your Jewish On."

Well, we've tried wine tasting and Salsa at the Synagogue...maybe it's time to take this show on the road! A progressive dinner? A hike in the Forest Preserve? The Gan Challah Baking was hugely successful--maybe it's Hamantaschen next time...at a Jewish bakery?

As we found with even the Salsa dancing and Havdallah, it's not so hard to take a moment to center ourselves and allow our religion/spirituality to be an anchor in our lives.

What do you think? What would you like to see us do to connect?

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